Congratulations on initiating your smile journey! Getting braces was easy, right?! While your life will remain mostly unchanged with braces, we did want to give you a heads up on some things to take into consideration now that you have braces.
As you know, getting braces was harmless! Applying the brackets to your teeth was easy and pain-free. Over the next few days, you may experience a little discomfort as your teeth, cheeks and lips get used to your new appliances. This is to be expected and we promise it won’t last forever! One thing to remember, wax is your friend! Don’t leave home without it. If your cheeks are feeling sensitive, put some wax on the brackets causing the irritation. Additionally, over-the-counter pain medication such as ibuprofen or Tylenol may be taken as directed in combination with a rigorous regimen of salt water rinses to relieve soreness.
Because your teeth will be a bit sensitive these first few days, we suggest eating soft foods like yogurt, pudding, bread, boiled veggies, mashed potatoes, pasta and soup.
Speaking of foods to eat, we’ve put together a list of what we call our “No-No” list of foods. These restricted foods should be avoided while wearing braces because they can damage or break your braces (and prolong your treatment time!) This list obviously isn’t EVERY food you should avoid so you’ll need to use your best judgment. A good rule of thumb is if it’s sticky or crunchy or you have to bite into it, it’s probably not a good idea! If you have a question about a particular food, feel free to call and ask us!
Maintaining good oral hygiene is ALWAYS important but it’s especially important for our braces wearers. If plaque is left on your teeth and around the braces, you can develop swollen gums, bad breath, scarred and discolored teeth and cavities.
You should brush your teeth after every meal so make sure you bring a small toothbrush with you to school or work. With braces, your toothbrush will wear out faster so make sure you replace it when the bristles start to fray.
Flossing is a MUST but can be a little tricky at first. We’ll make sure you know exactly how to floss with braces before you leave our office. Floss threaders and waterpiks may come in handy!
29 Riverside Street,Nashua, NH 03062603-882-6100
142 Brimbal Avenue, Ste 3,Beverly, MA 01915978-774-8266
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Our mission is to use the skill we have cultivated to help as many people smile as possible.
© 2025 Chelian Orthodontics. Dr. Suren Chelian, board certified, top rated orthodontist in Nashua, NH and Beverly, MA, providing braces, clear aligners (Invisalign) and orthodontic treatments in Nashua, NH and Beverly, MA.
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